Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hello Everyone at home!!!!!
These past few days have been very busy! Thusday we spent most of the day preparing for the Sunday School Teachers Training that we did for about 20 members of the churches here. And on Friday, that is what we did all day. It went very well so thank you for all of your prayers! We can really feel them here. Kristen kicked the day of by introducing our group and explaining what kinds of things we would be teaching them today, and that every child learns differently and so when teaching sunday school you should try and include a bunch of different things so every child can gain something from the lesson. Next up was Casey and she taught about story telling. She gave pointers on how to keep the kids intresed (like being really animated, doing hand motions, and telling stories that the kids might not know). Then she told them and example story of Jonah, making waves with her arms and throwing an invisible Jonah overboard, and getting the audience involved. After Casey, Felicia took a turn. She taught about bible verse memorazation. She told them diffrent ways that the can make it fun for the kids(like using a song or making them stand in a line each holding a diffrent word of a verse.) And then there was the songs. For a group of grown ups, they were crazy. Andrea went up and taught Father Abraham, Praise ye the Lord and I will Never March. They loved these. Some of them were acting like little kids again and were having alot of fun. By the end everybody was laughing. Andrea could hardley breathe. After that Danielle taught them all crafts like the salvation bead bracelet, this was also very fun! After that we taught them games... this was probably the craziest part of all. We spent about and hour playing games led by Jen like Upset Fruit Basket (aka I Love Rick Ellis) and it was an intense hour! Again everybody was laughing and at one point Andrea could not breathe. At the end of the day it was a very big sucsess. Metali and Albert both commented on how great they felt the day was and how impressed they were with all our teaching. That was super encouraging to us.
Saturday morning we went to devotions and then spent about three hours cutting out pictures that Samaritan's Purse had given Metali to use in their church. And then Saturday night we went to a prayer night at Francish and Tulu's (2 members of the church). It was about an hour and a half long and a good time with the Lord. After Tulu made us some tea and gave us some pretty sweet biscuits (aka cookies)!
When we got home, we had an interesting night. Everbody was just sitting around relaxing when Casey and Jen decided to make dinner. About 30 seconds later they run out of the kitchen screaming. They told us there was a rat. Some of us were skeptics. Derterminded to prove herself right, Casey shocked us all by going back into the kitchen to find it. And indeed eventually she did. There was some more screaming. Kristin bravely went back into rat teritory to close the kitchen door. Again, we went to call on Metali to assist us with a problem. But they weren't home. So we waited. For two hours. And then we finally got Metali over to take care of it, she calmly said "Go get Albert." So Albert comes over with a mop and locks himself in the kitchen with it. There was some shuffling and then he said something to Metali in Bangla. She leaves and comes back with and broom, which apparently was being whittled into a spear for..well you get the idea. Again we hear some shuffling and shouting and again Metali comes back with a new weapon to use on the rat. Unfortunately, when she opened the door to give it to Albert, the rat made a run for it, straight for us. We all screamed, including Metali. We were glad to know that we weren't just being wimpy Americans. To save ourselves from the charging rat, some of us ended up on top of chairs (in Andrea's case she almost ended up on the ground because she tripped...big suprise there). Other hiding places included standing inside of suitcses, standing on air mattresses and clutching the person next to you for dear life. In the end, the rat out smarted us all and escaped out of the door (under actually). Albert made a baracade out of styrofoam that he said would keep it out. So then some of us went to bed, exhausted from the episode and some stayed up for a long time after because of adrenaline.
Today (Sunday) we slept in and cleaned and Anik came over and made Cookies and Spagetti with us. We are now getting ready for church. Danielle is Preaching today. You can be praying because next Friday we're leading an all-day Youth Seminar for about 25 teenagers and young adults at the churches and we'll be spending much of the next week planning dramas, songs, teachings, worship, and testimonies to make the day a great experience for them.
Thank you for keeping us in our prayers!
Love you all, Andrea :D

P.S. One more valuable detail: we are knee-deep in a prank war against Albert and Metali.


  1. Spiders, tigers and rats - too much adventure! It sounds as if you are all adapting well and honoring your lord, and your hosts. It was exciting to hear about "teaching the teachers" and we'll pray that youth day next Friday is also a success. May all your encounters be filled with God's love and peace, and may those you meet hold strong(long after you return home) to the words you are sharing.

    Terri and Harry

  2. Love you! Praying for you! I hope you win the prank war!
